Nico Carpentier
Nico Carpentier is an extraordinary Professor at Charles University in Prague. In the MEDEMAP project, he is work package leader of WP2, responsible in the project for the theoretical embedding. He is also the CU coordinator in MEDEMAP.

Jeffrey Wimmer
Jeffrey Wimmer is a Professor at the University of Augsburg, where he works in the Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication. In MeDeMAP, he works on the theoretical embedding, and on the legal/regulatory (WP3), supply (WP4) and demand (WP5) work packages.

Vaia Doudaki
Vaia Doudaki is Associate Professor at Charles University in Prague. Her research focuses on the study of media, conflict and crisis, on theory and practice of newsmaking and journalism, on community and participatory media. She is responsible for the supply meets demand work package, which includes the organisation and analysis of citizen assemblies (WP6).

Kirill Filimonov
Kirill Filimonov is a lecturer at Uppsala University and was a part-time research at Charles University. His research revolves around discourse theory, journalistic practices and citizen participation, particularly in the Nordic and East European context, and has been published in journals such as Social Media+Society and Critical Discourse Studies. In MeDeMAP, he worked for the theoretical embedding work package (WP2).

Karolína Šimková
Karolína Šimková is a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague. In the MEDEMAP project, she works as a researcher on the legal/regulatory (WP3), supply (WP4) and demand (WP5) work packages.

Miloš Hroch
Miloš Hroch is an Assistant Professor at Charles University in Prague. His research interests are in the fields of participatory media studies, platform studies, and cultural studies. In the MEDEMAP project, he works as a researcher on the supply meets demand work package, which includes the organisation and analysis of citizen assemblies (WP6).

Natálie Švarcová
Natálie Švarcová is the finance officer of the MeDeMAP project at Charles University in Prague.